5 Ways to Start Your Morning Off Right


This semester, I had the bright idea of taking an 8:15 a.m. class. Unlike a majority of college students, I cannot just roll out of bed and take a short walk to class because my morning classes are located in downtown Chicago. I consider myself a morning person, so I did not think this would be an issue. However, I didn’t quite factor in the commute and morning traffic when making this decision.

Because of this, I was not exactly prepared for the jarring 6:00 a.m. alarm that woke me up everyday. I’m not going to lie, the first couple weeks were difficult. It definitely took some time for me to adjust. Despite all that, however, I’m now glad I made this decision. That’s right…glad. Why?

Mornings are a magical and inspirational time. From the perspective of someone who lives in the city, there is something wonderful about being up and about before all the hustle and bustle ensues. It is my time to get lost in my music, a book, or even just my own ideas.

Maybe this is largely due to the fact that I consider myself a morning person. I understand that some people just despise getting up early, so I’ve picked up a few insights throughout the semester that I believe can help anyone become more of a morning person. In other words, here are 5 concrete things you can do to ensure your morning gets off to a great start.

1. Lay out your outfit the night before

I’ve figured out the more I minimize decisions I have to make in the morning, the better off it goes. This begins with what I am going to wear for the day. Although it may not seem like a big deal, being able to simply put on what you laid out the night before makes a huge difference. It not only cuts back the time you need to get ready, but it also allows you more time to wake up without the pressures of decision-making. So, even when you’ve had a long and stressful day, take a few moments to lay out your outfit for the next day. Trust me, you will thank yourself in the morning.cute-tile-coffee-shop

2. Pick one thing to look forward to

For me, this is my morning cup of coffee. I love waking up and knowing that know matter what might be thrown my way that day, I can still count on enjoying my coffee. If you do not drink coffee, this thing could be a book you are absorbed in at the moment. It could even be something as simple as what you are going to eat for breakfast. Set aside time in your morning to fully enjoy this thing you have picked out. It really helps set the stage for a positive day.latte-art-coffee-shop

3. Match your mood to a playlist

Some mornings I wake up ready to conquer the world and want music suited to that attitude. Other mornings, I see the rain pouring down and need calm tunes to mimic the quiet and steady precipitation falling. The point is, be able to recognize your mood when you wake up and adapt your music accordingly. Doing so will help you get a right start to the day. If you are in need of some playlist inspiration, check out some of the ones I’ve created on Spotify. This is my “Feel Good” playlist, which I listen to on days when the sun is shining and I am in a generally good mood.

4. Give yourself a dose of inspiration

It is easy to get swept up in the monotony of everyday life routine. I like to avoid succumbing to this by constantly filling my mind with new tidbits of inspiration. For example, I have an app that notifies me every morning with a motivational quote. If you enjoy books, I encourage you to dedicate five or ten minutes to one focused on positivity and self-improvement. Right now, I’m listening to the book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear during my morning commute. I am relatively new to the world of audiobooks, but I’ve really enjoyed being able to listen and simultaneously watch the world get going.


5. Don’t rush.  Stop and smell the roses

As I reflect on the days I am most stressed and frazzled, I realize they almost all started out with a rushed morning. The morning sets the tone for the rest of the day, so I encourage you to make the effort to have a great one. Give yourself plenty of time to get ready, make it to work or school, and get organized for the day. Doing so lets you to relax and take in the everyday joys that you otherwise may have missed. Life is what we choose to make of it. The more we can recognize and appreciate the wonderful little facets of each day, the more lovely life becomes.

These are all things I try to live by as I go about my mornings. I know not everyone is a morning person, but I hope these suggestions help you start to fall a bit more in love with them.

Each day is a gift. Every morning is an opportunity to unwrap that gift and experience the joy of what’s underneath.

Live Inspired,

Allison Elizabeth


How-To, Lifestyle
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