10 Unique Playlists for 2018


This year, I decided to treat myself to Spotify Premium because I realize just how large a role music plays in my life. I listen to playlists on the shuttle to class, when I am getting ready to go out, having a bad day, just chilling at home, and so on.

I began to recognize that I’m in the mood for different kinds of music depending on what I am doing, so I decided to sit down and compile a playlist for every scenario I could think of. I consider my taste in music pretty eclectic, and I honestly enjoy most genres. The only type of music I frequently tend to NOT listen to is country.

Some of my favorite artists are Taylor Swift (fun fact: I’ve met her mom), Ed Sheeran, Khalid, Ingrid Michaelson, and HAIM.

I hope this post gives you inspiration for some different playlists to create going into 2018, but I also invite you to listen to the ones I have put together. I love discovering new music, so any recommendations would be amazing!


I think everyone should have a playlist compiling your all-time favorite jams. My favorites playlist consists of songs I used to frequently listen to that have also withstood the test of time. I realize this type of playlist is going to be very unique to each person, but here are a few of the songs in my favorites if you’re curious.

Feel Good

I describe this as a “windows-down while driving” kind of playlist. Another appropriate title for it would be “Good Vibes.” Nonetheless, it contains songs that will  instantly put you in a happy mood.

Bad Day

On the flip side, there are songs that just bring tears to the eyes. I don’t know if it is just me, but when I am in a bad mood, listening to sad songs somehow helps put me in a better mood. I think it just helps to get all the negativity and sadness out of my system so I can move on. These are some of the songs that help do that for me.


This playlist is a mix of songs that I used to listen to non-stop but then got pushed to the back burner when newer music started coming out. They are songs that take me back to certain points in my life and spur thoughts of old, and often wistful, memories. It’s crazy how a single song can paint such a vivid picture of the past.

Getting Ready

These are songs I love listening to while I am getting ready to go out and do something fun with my friends. This playlist is also where I put a lot of my current favorite songs that are on constant repeat.


I like to describe the songs in this playlist as ones you would listen to as your plane is touching down in a new city. They also embody the feeling of staring out the car window and acting as though your life is a music video. It is made up of songs that motivate and remind me of places I want to go and things I want to do.


I can’t listen to music with lyrics while I read or do homework because it distracts me too much, so I have this whole playlist of instrumental, ambient tunes that serve as good background music. They help calm me down, block out unwanted noise, and set the stage for a productive mood.


This is probably my most listened-to playlist. It is full of chill tunes that I listen to while cleaning, surfing Pinterest, as well as countless other scenarios. This type of music is my favorite, and I always seem to be in the right mood for it.


As the title suggests, this playlist is full of comforting sounds. I find myself listening to these tunes when I am journaling or getting ready to go to bed. They are also perfect to turn to if you are stressed and need to relieve tension. I highly recommend listening to this playlist with a nice hot bubble bath and face mask.


This is such a staple playlist for everyone. Chances are you already have one, but feel free to take a look at some of the songs I like listening to at the gym.

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